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Kapow! Another start-to-finish DIY project!

Hi. My name is Wallis and I’m addicted to potions.

When we first moved to the new house, I immediately claimed the only real cabinet in the house for all my…stuff. Toiletries are the only real category I can admit to hoarding. 95% of these things are items I don’t use. Ever. This is from one shelf in the 5 shelf cabinet.

Included in this stash are products for my “Gorgeous Curls” (there is a HUGE discrepancy between what I imagine my hair to look like and what it actually does) and 37 bottles of toner. I don’t even know what toner is, really.

Needless to say, I needed to come up with an alternative linen cabinet before anyone I lived with required me to dispose of my valuable hoard. So, I got creative…

As you very well may remember, I purchased this trunk at a Lula B’s a few weeks ago. It was $75 but we offered $50


I bought about 3 yards of white cloth/vinyl fabric from Joann’s for about $3.99/yard.  I began by testing out my trusty staple gun. For the first 5 minutes or so, I thought the thing was broken, until I realized I was using the wrong side and had been shooting sharp industrial staples across the driveway where Ty was working on his truck. Whoops. How did I miss that huge “STAPLES EXIT HERE” arrow?

Basically, I tried to use large sections of fabric without having to cut too much. I did some creative folding, but it was a pretty basic job. I like that the fabric is plastic on the back and the front has a soft, cotton feel. It’s not perfectly taut, but it works well and looks fine. Voila! Instant storage!